Monday, August 10, 2009

Operation successful ?

No one questions the incomparable skill of hand, eye, and brain of a surgeon, when he is called upon to do a precise violence upon a liv­ing body under pressure of time by the clock. But one can question a development in medicine when the physician becomes so engrossed in technique that he sees nothing but the area of operation. One can ques­tion a science, presumably dedicated to healing and the preservation of life, which until about a generation ago could complacently accept the terse verdict at the end of a report: "Operation successful; patient died." This was, to many, the logical absurdity at the end of an uncom­promisingly "scientific" mechanization of medicine.


  1. It is contrary to her ethical standards to act on her dissatisfaction with her husband; she can neither abandon him nor accept him as he is, and her efforts to change him into a more aggressive personality are frustrated by his inability to change, as it were, from the inside out. She is filled with thwarted drives, with the rage and hostility she cannot express. She suffers frustration, which she buries in her un­conscious because it is wrong to have such feelings toward one's mar­riage and one's husband. When her inner tensions become too great, she has one of her violent migraine headaches.

  2. This interpretation of illness—that a given disease falls into one of two groups, arising from one or the other basic emotional response—is presented by the psychiatrist Franz Alexander in Psychosomatic Medi­cine, Its Principles and Applications.

  3. It is drawn not alone from psy­chiatric findings but from a vast array of clinical and laboratory re­search by biological scientists: Drs. W. B. Cannon, George Draper, E. Moschcowitz, and others.

  4. Hypothyroidism: Significantly, the endocrinology clinic in Makeyevka, opened in 1965, was called in early protivozobnym. After all, his main task was to identify the maximum of Pathology and conducting prevention and treatment. By the mid 70-ies thymus endemic was nearly wiped out in Ukraine, which confirms the legitimacy of the establishment of such hospitals. Nevertheless, they have less than half.

  5. Yeast Infection : As the Japanese say "The main thing in the food - mood. With a smile on his face begin to cook. For this we take the parsley, ukropchik, lettuce, you can add the cauliflower, already boiled and all small slices. Also supplied with garlic, but in no case shall the three on a grater, as lost all vitamins. Then mix all ingredients and pour sour cream, and sprinkle on top abundantly worn hazelnuts, walnuts can be. Sleight of Hand, a bit of time and salad is ready. And now safely proceed with the meal. Do not forget to thank your favorite, will make you a dish with a hope for your erotic exploits. Do not be afraid that after the salad with garlic sauce you bude unpleasant odor. With such a trifle is easy to handle. Simple advice, before each meal drink a spoonful of olive oil.
