Tuesday, August 11, 2009

some unhappy con­sequence

Hypothyroidism Issues : Whichever way he chooses, he may be blocked by an obstacle, either external or within himself. If he sets out aggressively to deal with his difficulties he may be stopped by circumstance, or he may be stopped by his own fear—of failure, of punishment, or of some unhappy con­sequence of his action. If he seeks parental protection, he may be re­jected by the person from whom he seeks it, or he may be halted by his own pride or guilt since he is aware that he is no longer a child.
But in each case a series of reactions has been set in motion in the body. These, being blocked, now turn aside from their original goal, which was to act in some way on the difficulty.
The aggressive impulse, fight or flight, sets up a chain of reactions which, when blocked over a period of time, may lead to one group of diseases. The regressive impulse, the retreat into infantile dependency, may lead to another set of diseases.


  1. Before we are misled into dividing the human race arbitrarily into two categories, however, let us keep in mind that man with his com­plexities does not lend himself to simple classification

  2. In nature, an animal first fights and then eats, dining on his victim. But a dependent personality, figuring there's a tough job ahead, says, "We'd better have a bite first." Frustration and guilt in seeking relief through a dependent pattern take their toll on the same organs. The digestive system is the target.

  3. The infant's earliest sensations of comfort and protection are related to food. His first physical discomfort is hunger, his first satisfaction is eating, and both the hunger and the relief of it are identified with his mother. So is his feeling of being safe and cared for. Hence the infantile pattern of seeking relief from emotional discomfort through food.

  4. Hypothyroidism: Of all the diseases that plague man, - said Victor Kasyarum - prevention of iodine deficiency disorders cheapest: 2-3 g of iodized salt a day practically solve the problem.

  5. Yeast Infection : Not everyone can say about myself these words. What is the deeper meaning of the utterance. Must be very confident in himself, to so boldly stated. Thousands of years ago, the great Pharaoh Ramses II of Egypt, without hesitation, declared himself the winner. It turns out that our Pharaoh became famous for his victories not only on the battlefield, but in bed. To this day, thanks to the indefatigable archaeologist, came the story of his life. Energetic and irrepressible, full of vitality, Ramses II lived a happy and rich life. And not because he was Pharaoh, and had some unearthly good. After all, it was little different from modern man, bore the "burden of the state" and was prone to human ailments, he lived at a time when life expectancy was a maximum of 40 years, has lived 90 years, having gone through their children and "countless" number of grandchildren! Ramses was known as a tireless lover. According to historians, his family consisted of seven wives and dozens of concubines. Thanks to him, the Egyptian people replenished 40 women (daughter of Pharaoh) and 45 men (sons). This is only according to official data! Beloved wife of Ramses II, a legendary beauty Nefertari Merenmut was mad about her husband. And he is his passion to his first wife depicted in the stone reliefs. Princess, the beautiful high-born dream to be close to the Egyptian ruler. For women it was truly divine!
