Thursday, August 27, 2009

Giving a due credit

In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.

Monday, August 17, 2009

frequent hair brushing

An Israeli scientist-dermatologist, Alexander Kirdman from the Hebrew University argues that the frequent scratch, especially in the hairdresser's, leads to baldness. So the claim that frequent hair brushing does massage the head, soon to be replaced with a new opposite.

The study, which led scientists to this conclusion, lasted more than a month. It was attended by 14 women, who were asked to count how many times they have hair, and how many volosinok lose every day. Dermatologists said that the woman's hair twice a day, losing hair is three times higher than those in the hair every day.

Today, scientists call the most common causes of hair loss:

1. Medication. Drugs that contribute to hair loss: beta-blockers, anticoagulants, H2-blockers retsetorov, CP.

2. Endocrine diseases: increased or decreased function of the thyroid gland, problems with the ovaries or adrenal glands. Diseases of the liver. Reduced immunity.

3. Stress.

4. Bad ecology.

5. The lack of certain elements, such as zinc, selenium and silicon.

6. Excess of vitamin A can lead to hair loss.

7. Too frequent washing of hair.

Treatment of hair loss may include hormone therapy, vitamin course, receive micro-and macro-elements. But first need to clarify the reason why the hair leaving your smart head.

Iodine - one hundred thirty-one

"Iodine - one hundred thirty-one" is used to diagnose diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures. Dimitrovgradsky Research Institute for several years is the sole manufacturer of this product in Russia. In addition, there are currently RIAR produces several types of radionuclide production of technical and medical supplies. That is, in many ways, and contributed to the decision that in Dimitrovgrad will be built one of the four Russian Center of Medical Radiology. Its layout has been developed and has also been demonstrated Tatiana Golikova. Upon completion of his visit to Dimitrovgrad, the Minister noted that this project is needed.

Tatiana Golikova - Minister of Health and Social Development: »
It is important. We started this year with an ambitious program of cancer. This oncology program is the first step towards development of this field of medicine. In this case - the Center for Innovation Project ».

Also, Tatiana Golikova noted that the center will provide an opportunity not just to help people affected by cancer, but to advance medical technology in this direction. The head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Vladimir Uyba assured all present that the financing of the project will be strictly as planned.

Many patients with irritated bowel syndrome, were identified and changes in the thyroid gland

The studies revealed that the thyroid gland is closely linked to the condition of the digestive tract. Moreover, schitovidka during embryonic development of the organism begins to develop it from the wall head of the digestive tract. That is, is a derivative of body digestive system, which also consists of many small digestive and endocrine glands. Practice has shown that treatment of patients with irritated bowel syndrome was the most successful, while restoring the functions of the thyroid gland. By the way, this syndrome, as well as nodal changes in the thyroid gland, predominantly affects women (ratio of women and men, 4:1).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

scientifically more precise explanation

Hypothyroidism Treatment : Medically this is explained by the principle of the point of lowest resistance.
Pavlov has given us a scientifically more precise explanation. He demonstrated experimentally that the human organism, as well as all ms parts, has tiny areas of representation in the multi-billion mosaic structure of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain.
Now we may seriously consider whether it may not be a case of returning to the attack on the same part or organ as, under stress, we attacked before. The same emotional pattern or conditioning which lixcd on that organ in the past fixes on it again. An obvious example is I hat a man who gets a stomach ulcer is likely to have a history of gastric disturbance. But there are less obvious ones. If you hurt an arm once long ago, it is in that arm that you are likely to have neuralgic pain in a time of stress.
The first time that a part of the body was involved in difficulty may go back to childhood, and we are not likely to remember too clearly what the emotional situation was then so long ago. But all indications lire that the part of our body which suffers attack from injury or illness lias a specific emotional significance within the framework of our whole personality.

those periods in every human life

Hypothyroidism Treatment : a failure in marriage, a setback in work. This explains the varied illness growing out of war, either during the pressure of war itself or in the readjustment to civilian life afterward. One who is already teetering on the edge needs only the push of circumstance to topple him over.
Therefore it is well to consider those periods in every human life which are likely to provide the push. We have said that no man, woman, or child can avoid the pain of growing up. Adjustment is struggle. The need for adjustment is continuous. One must adjust oneself to environ­ment, to family, to society, to the responsibilities of adulthood, to the reaiization of one's own limitations.

medicine was no exception

Hypothyroidism Treatment : The technological revolution, which gave us engines to do the work of muscles, and delicate machinery to replace the skill of hands, pene­trated every lane of human activity, and medicine was no exception. While the nineteenth century was crowding farmers and cottage crafts­men into city slums and teaching them to run machines, and incidental­ly killing them en masse with infectious diseases, it was also transform­ing the art of medicine into a precise, disciplined science.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

people who push themselves without mercy

Hypothyroidism : There is also a whole group of people who refuse to admit fatigue. It is painful to their pride to admit such weakness. They want to be the captain on the bridge who never sleeps. They are the people who push themselves without mercy, often until illness or exhaustion strikes them down in earnest. Theirs is an unrealistic heroism, childish and wasteful. Why should there be shame in admitting weakness? Must we suffer because our society demands that we show a brave fa?ade? If we want to listen to a warning signal we must admit and face it before we can take rational steps to deal with it and its causes.

some unhappy con­sequence

Hypothyroidism Issues : Whichever way he chooses, he may be blocked by an obstacle, either external or within himself. If he sets out aggressively to deal with his difficulties he may be stopped by circumstance, or he may be stopped by his own fear—of failure, of punishment, or of some unhappy con­sequence of his action. If he seeks parental protection, he may be re­jected by the person from whom he seeks it, or he may be halted by his own pride or guilt since he is aware that he is no longer a child.
But in each case a series of reactions has been set in motion in the body. These, being blocked, now turn aside from their original goal, which was to act in some way on the difficulty.
The aggressive impulse, fight or flight, sets up a chain of reactions which, when blocked over a period of time, may lead to one group of diseases. The regressive impulse, the retreat into infantile dependency, may lead to another set of diseases.

consistently objective

Despite the growing knowledge of the interrelationship between mind and body, the doctrinaires of medicine remained unyielding. This is not surprising in the face of their medical training. One of my professors was a consistently objective, sober scientist, except in one lecture.
"Gentlemen," he said with unaccustomed emotion on this occasion, "if I have failed in having taught you anything else, I hope I have suc­ceeded at least in implanting in you a critical mind. For that, gentle­men, is the only guarantee against mysticism, against all this meta­physical nonsense which whirls about us these days. I want you to be­lieve in facts and facts only. I want you to believe in what you can see, what you can feel, and what you can demonstrate. In the making of a satisfactory diagnosis, I shall tolerate no escape into the nebulous realm of the mental!"
source :

Monday, August 10, 2009

Operation successful ?

No one questions the incomparable skill of hand, eye, and brain of a surgeon, when he is called upon to do a precise violence upon a liv­ing body under pressure of time by the clock. But one can question a development in medicine when the physician becomes so engrossed in technique that he sees nothing but the area of operation. One can ques­tion a science, presumably dedicated to healing and the preservation of life, which until about a generation ago could complacently accept the terse verdict at the end of a report: "Operation successful; patient died." This was, to many, the logical absurdity at the end of an uncom­promisingly "scientific" mechanization of medicine.