In November, 1985 100 years from the date of N.N.Anichkova's birth were executed. The Scientific community of all world has celebrated this date and on advantage has estimated N.N.Anichkova's big contribution and its schools in the doctrine about an atherosclerosis.
N.N.Anichkov has shown that an atherosclerosis - the isolated illness, instead of a consequence of aging of an organism as some scientists represented. N.N.Anichkov and its employees have established that at an atherosclerosis the internal cover of arteries (intim) first of all is surprised. Owing to penetration from blood plasma in an intim and accumulation in it of cholesterol and others lipids.
Hypothyroidism: When thyrotoxicosis - an excess of thyroid hormones - are prescribed drugs that block the production of its hormones. In many cases, and requires radical treatment: surgical removal of the thyroid gland or destroying it with radioactive iodine.
ReplyDeleteYeast Infection : day to walk at least 45 - 60 minutes - reducing the leg muscles is a kind of "pump" that pushes blood from the veins of the lower extremities, reducing venous stasis.