Hypothyroidism Treatment : Medically this is explained by the principle of the point of lowest resistance.
Pavlov has given us a scientifically more precise explanation. He demonstrated experimentally that the human organism, as well as all ms parts, has tiny areas of representation in the multi-billion mosaic structure of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain.
Now we may seriously consider whether it may not be a case of returning to the attack on the same part or organ as, under stress, we attacked before. The same emotional pattern or conditioning which lixcd on that organ in the past fixes on it again. An obvious example is I hat a man who gets a stomach ulcer is likely to have a history of gastric disturbance. But there are less obvious ones. If you hurt an arm once long ago, it is in that arm that you are likely to have neuralgic pain in a time of stress.
The first time that a part of the body was involved in difficulty may go back to childhood, and we are not likely to remember too clearly what the emotional situation was then so long ago. But all indications lire that the part of our body which suffers attack from injury or illness lias a specific emotional significance within the framework of our whole personality.
What Freud pointed out to us, and what we are only beginning to understand, is that man turns his creative and destructive instincts not only upon the world around him but also upon himself.
ReplyDeleteThey are the years in which we must at last break our dependencies and accept the realities of life in an adult society; no further postponement is possible.
ReplyDeleteConsider the years that immediately follow adolescence. Are not those the period of grim and relentless struggle to succeed, to make one's place in the adult world, to achieve economic security and emotional independence? Are not those the years which often bring defeat to the less ruthless, to "the smooth, the whitish"? Cannot defeat or fear of failure or inadequacy shatter the inner man? Cannot defeat lower the body's resistance? It seems significant that these are also the years of the highest suicide rate—in men, between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-eight, and in women, between twenty and twenty-two.
Still another factor, that of environment, is supposed to play an important role. If this is true, then the children of tubercular parents would be greatly endangered. But the medical literature reports that infants from a tubercular milieu show no higher mortality during their first years of life than other children. Older children living in a home where tuberculosis exists also show the same rate of infection and mortality as children of healthy homes, no higher. Perhaps the suggestion that these parents take special care may adequately explain the contradiction. Or perhaps there are other reasons.
ReplyDeleteHypothyroidism: The problem with hormones
ReplyDeleteYeast Infection : Actually diuretic have cranberry and cranberry juice, and, oddly enough, coffee (without harm to the health of 1 - 2 cups of coffee a day).