Tuesday, August 11, 2009

people who push themselves without mercy

Hypothyroidism : There is also a whole group of people who refuse to admit fatigue. It is painful to their pride to admit such weakness. They want to be the captain on the bridge who never sleeps. They are the people who push themselves without mercy, often until illness or exhaustion strikes them down in earnest. Theirs is an unrealistic heroism, childish and wasteful. Why should there be shame in admitting weakness? Must we suffer because our society demands that we show a brave fa?ade? If we want to listen to a warning signal we must admit and face it before we can take rational steps to deal with it and its causes.


  1. We have still to answer the crucial question: How do we turn the drive to destroy against ourselves? And the further question, why does an individual seek to destroy himself?
    Look in any newspaper for the account of a suicide. The deceased, it says tersely, had suffered a reversal in business, a rejection in love, a frustration in his career.

  2. Hypothyroidism: Disturbances in the thyroid gland related to its activity: respectively, the level of hormones in the blood can fall as well as rise. Different in these cases will not only treatment but also "mask", which are often hidden under such conditions.

  3. Yeast Infection : Have you ever heard about the great Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II? Some think, and here the Egyptian pharaoh, if all a matter of "vital" body of men?
